Christian Music

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# Name
1. The Only Hand You Need
2. Great Big Problem
3. Well Pleased
4. Can't Let Go
5. I Am Love
6. Worth It All
7. It's You
8. Through My Eyes
9. Grand Canyon
10. Take a Chance
11. Come Away
12. Listen

Voice From Home/Track Table

Artist's Description of This Album[]

Source:  FFH & Rich Stevenson

A long time ago, God described His people like this: “You’ve seen a lot, but looked at nothing. You’ve heard everything, but listened to nothing.” (Isaiah 42:20) That may still be a good description for many of us today. Maybe the reason we have stopped really listening is that the message of the loudest voices seems, at best, trivial and, at worst, debilitating. The message of our culture is competitive, for many of us the message in our home is critical, and the message of the enemy is coercive. Is there a voice out there that is really worth listening to?

We believe that there is. It’s a voice that comes with creative energy and echoes down through the generations. It’s the voice of a Father, the first Father. It’s the voice of a Friend, a true friend. It’s the voice of a lover, a faithful lover. It’s a voice from Home, our Eternal Home.

We believe that the words on this recording are from the heart of God. They are anchored in scripture, but come in common language and with present experience of a God who still speaks. Our prayer is that in listening to these songs you will be able to hear clearly and in a new way the only voice that matters…The Voice From Home.

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